Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lateral Thigh Trainer - As Seen On Tv

Filed under: all products Exercise & Sports - As Seen On Tv

This Lateral Thigh Trainer is a very popular product. Lateral Thigh Trainer- As Seen On Tv. Picture below:

Here is the description of Lateral Thigh Trainer- As Seen On Tv

Lateral Thigh Trainer- As Seen On Tv

The Lateral Thigh Trainer System gives you two potent workouts in one machine.

A fun, fat burning cardio workout plus a super effective toning workout. The Lateral Thigh Trainer not only moves up

and down, it also moves in and out at the same time. The secret is the bi-directional skating like motion, unlike

ordinary steppers the Lateral Thigh Trainer unique movement targets multiple muscles from different angles.

You'll also receive Brenda Dygraf's Power House Training Manual full of secret positions to do all kinds of fun full body

aerobic moves while toning and shaping those hips, glutes, and thighs. As a special bonus you'll also receive:

Brenda's Powerhouse Workout Video and The Powerhouse Food Plan. As an extra special bonus you'll get the

Powerhouse Training Computer that counts calories, totals strides, and total workout time.

Product includes:

Lateral Thigh Trainer Fully assembled, Training manual Workout video, Food plans,

Powerhouse Training computer.

You can buy this product from this As Seen On Tv Store

Click Here To Buy The Lateral Thigh Trainer

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